

Exercise 2.6

Some computers have explict instructions to extract an arbitrary field from a 32-bit register and to place it in the least significant bit of a register. The figure below shows the desired operatin


Find the shortest sequence of MIPS instructions that extracts a field for the constant value i = 5 and j = 22 from register $t3 and places it in register $t0(Hint:It can be done in two instructions.

register $t3の22bit目から5bit目までを$t0に入れる最短の命令を見つけなさい(ヒント:2命令)

Verilog だと t0 <= {14'h0000, t3[22:5]}; で簡単。

a: .word 0xFFC0003F
	lw $t3, a
	sll $t0, $t3 9
	srl $t0, $t0 14


# 1bit問題を読み違えていそうな気もするのですが、見逃してください。